Ex. Newton, 1666
In his darkened room, he made a ray of white light from the Sun pass through a small gap in one of the covered windows and then passed this ray of light through a piece of glass in a prism form. Thanks to this, he discovered de colours
Ex. Herschel, 1800
Herschel observed in his experiment in 1800 a relationship between color and temperature and discovered IR light
Ex. Ritter, 1801
Ritter dipped a paper in silver salt (silver chloride), and discovered ultraviolet light. He descovered this because he saw that silver chloride decomposes more quickly when exposed to invisible radiation
Ex. Fraunhofer, 1814
He discovered the Fraunhofer lines, there were 570 lines. Half a century later, Kirchhoff and Bunsen would show that these Fraunhofer lines were the fingerprints of the elements present in the Sun's atmosphere.