Analising air pollution in Sant Cugat del Vallès (Parc Sant Francesc)


The main objective of this project is to analyze the air quality of different countries, in my case it is Sant Cugat del Vallès and I will take the data from Xema and compare it to see if they exceed the limits established by the European Union or remain in acceptable levels.


I have used R studio to make all the graphs that I have been using from the data obtained from XEMA and the environmental data from gencat, which only includes the annual averages. First of all I have had to install all the libraries already mentioned in the poster and we have called them so as not to have any problem when making the graphs, and we have been following the codes of our teacher that he has uploaded on his page to get everything what I have. At the beginning we had quite a few problems, for example that some codes did not understand the data of the tables that we had taken from the XEMA page, what we had to do was change the file format to POSIXct, and then each column detected it as character, and they had to be changed to numeric, with that the codes already worked without any problem.



Pollution rose from NO2 illustrating the frequency distribution of wind


A daily plot, we observe the course of NO2, O3 and NOX pollution over the days from 2014 to 2022.


A A Time Variation, shows the time variation of pollution from 1991 to 2021.


This TrendLevel is the level of NO2 during the years, the blank spaces are like this because I have not found more data


This graphic contains 2 pollutants (NO2, PM10) which are those that have a restriction according to the European Union at certain levels, the data begins in 2013 because I don't found more data about my city.


  1. Dades Meteorológiques XEMA
  2. The teacher's web
  3. Gencat data